Fitness, Food

Don’t mess with momma’s cooking

Last friday Pete and I went to Jersey to visit Patty. She makes THE BEST pasta I’ve ever tried. I love going to visit her… because I come back refreshed and ready to take the city again.

Did I mention that Patty is training for the triathlon too? Check her new bike too!

Here we are doing some Sun Salutations before heading out to ride.

And the Famous Pasta! I need to ask for her recipe… my mouth waters by thinking of it! 

Hand down! Its delicious!

Fitness, Food

I love sandwiches

Pete and I like to be spontaneous and make meals that we usually don’t have. I’m grateful to have someone like that by my side because I love trying new things and experimenting with ingredients… if things go wrong, oh well…. we eat something else.

We went to whole foods and discovered some interesting sausages…. artichoke veal sausage and pepper chicken sausage.  We grilled them and made this:

Each one got half of the sausages, grilled onion, tomatoes and guacamole.

We’re training and starving! 🙂

Fitness, Food

Exercise + lots of food = Gain weight.

I completely over ate this weekend. Since the day I started “training” I have done nothing but eating. Its terrible, because my mind thinks I can eat more than usual because I’m burning calories, but its not true. I’m still not burning enough. That is what always happens when I start training, I gain weight and then… I start getting PUMPED! haha jk.

Check out my new bike:

Her name is Mandhi. What do you think? So far its been fun riding it! We did 30 min in the hills. It was so hard! Little by little everyday and I know we will get far!

Here is what we cooked for dinner:

Spicy Mango and Caramelized onions

Baked potatoes with Rosemary

I had a grilled fish. I dont think Pete has ever had it, he was completely grossed out. The fish and the mango/onion thing, went perfectly together.

Pete had a huge steak, and he also topped it with the mango/onion thing!

And a most in all of our barbecues, grilled onions…

Color, Fitness, Make Believe

The other things…

Pete and I have officially started our triathlon training. I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but we are doing it for the Tuesday’s Children Foundation.

Last night we were fixing our schedules to fit the training and I realized I was tired just from  typing everything we had to do. It’s a 15-week training program. (if anyone knows anything about triathlons, let me know please!! We need advice! Check my plan below) I remember when I started training for my first half marathon; I was breathless after my first 3-mile run. Thank God, I had Megan by my side because she helped me become strong-minded. Anyways, I’m not concerned for the training and the hard-work, that’s the least actually… what aggravates me the most is swimming in the pool….PUBLIC pool! I hate them. They gross me out more than anything in the world. In fact, I need to stop it here, because my mind is so dark that goes to weird places when I think of the other things that could be inside a pool.

I need to change the subject….Mmmm… Food: that pleases me.

I live by this quote: “The more you exercise, the more you can eat.”

So we have to wake up at 6 tomorrow for our second training day. Here is what we cooked:

For me: Portobello Mushroom Hamburger with prosciutto, Lettuce and Pepper Jack Cheese

For Pete: Beef Hamburger (made with onions, hot pepper, beef, eggs and scallions), tomatoes, Jack Cheese and Tomatoes.

Wedges: Romaine Lettuce, Blue Cheese, Walnuts and Bacon

Mash potatoes with Scallions and Bacon.

It’s the first time I’ve ever made a hamburger. I was extremely pleased with the results! 🙂

If you have any idea about triathlons, my training is here (TriathlonPlan) ! What do you think!?

Color, Food

WHY?!?! why does it stink?!

Why? I want to know why is it that everything that tastes great, Stinks! WHY?!??!?!

I love garlic, onions, green onions, etc … and they all stink! Anyone has a recipe to rose breathe after you’ve had any of these? PLEASE Advice! I have one solution, but doesn’t cure garlic scent. You should make sure that anyone you’re hanging around with eats the same as you. If they eat pesto, you eat pesto and both will be happy 🙂

Tonight it was Pasta with pesto sauce and garlic bread night, it was so amazing that I had way too much.

Pesto sauce its delicious and nutritive, at least mine was:

this is how I made it:

– A Bunch of Arugula

– A Bunch of Basil

– Some dill

– Salt and Pepper

– Lots of Oil.

Blend them. And done!

Total takes 10 minutes to make, just because thats what it takes the pasta to cook. The pesto sauce takes as long as your palate is pleased, mine took 3 minutes.


Open Grilled Cheese Sandwich

After doing my daily 20-min blog-reading, I was starving. I decided to try this recipe and give it a little twist. I added onions and some greens on the side. After you read my blog a couple of times, I think you start to see a pattern, salt, pepper and LOTS of greens. Here’s my lunch

Couple of summers ago, I went to an greek restaurant and for dessert they were serving Yogurt and Honey, I was in heaven. It was a huge plate of natural, creamy yogurt and honey; we ordered 3 servings. I think I was craving a healthy dessert after having a bomb, so I had yogurt, honey, and a little cinnamon! mmmm!

Food, Make Believe, Travel

Master Creations of an 11 year old

I grew up in Venezuela, and this was one of the dishes we used to have for breakfast over and over again. When I was young, around 11 y/o, I remember believing that my Perico was unbeatable. I was THE BEST… Perico maker, so I would wake up early on mother’s day to show Mom some of my talents. I’m glad I had an “army” of sous chefs by my side, so they would all line up and follow orders. Me, the master chef would make The Perico. Fico, Sous-chef One would take care of the orange juice. Caro, Sous-Chef Two would set the tray to take it to mom’s bed and prepare toast. And lastly, Dani, The Run Boy, would be in charge of 2 things, one picking up the most beautiful flower in the garden and make sure mom stayed in bed. (We’ve have a genetic malformation… as soon as we open eyes, we have to get off bed.)

I remember it always being great. 🙂

I want to excuse my picture but unless you are an amazing photographer, there is no way you can photograph Perico or  eggs in general and make them look good. At least, I can’t.

This is a quick recipe full of flavor and nutrition.

Dice 1/3 of an onion and sauté it, add 4 eggs and lastly when the eggs are almost done, add the diced tomatoes (1/2 of a large tomato or 6 cherry tomatoes. Salt and Pepper and DONE!

On another note, I recently rediscovered eggs. I had had a phobia for a while, but its gone! thank god!

Have a good weekend everyone!



I have to be honest, I grew up thinking pasta was extremely fatting. So as a teenager and skinny body addict, I never ate pasta. It wasn’t until I started running marathons that pasta became a must in my meals. I’d have them the night before almost every long run (you multiply 4 months of saturday dinners… lets just say I ate a lot of pasta). Now even when I’m not training I crave pasta, especially since my boyfriend loves it (he made me say this.)

Anyhow….. this is one of my favorite and quickest recipe I always do. Its super easy and even my brother that doesn’t like any type of vegetables enjoys eating it.

In this bowl I have,

5 Cherry tomatoes sliced in half

1/4 of fresh mozzarella

4 black olives sliced in half

1/4 of a  red pepper cut into cubes

At last then I sprinkled with olive oil, salt and pepper. You’re DONE!

The best part of it is that you can eat it hot or cold and take it to work. It takes 10 minutes to make: while you cook the pasta, you slice the ingredients and mix them all together after draining the water, y LISTO! Fresh meal in minutes!

PS: if you want to spice it up a bit more, add corn, chicken, onions…. be creative, pasta goes with almost everything! Just keep in mind the fresher the vegetables the better.


Both will have chicken.

I told Dani, “you choose: pasta or salad? both will have chicken.”

Mixed green Salad, Parmesan Cheese and Chicken with Ginger Dressing

Tomato Sauce, Chicken cooked with dill and other herbs, Pasta with fresh Parmesan and Basil



Parents definitely know a little more, than us. Maybe its called experience, maybe its called they can afford things I can’t at the moment. Maybe its a little of both. Anyhow, my parents went to one of those wellness spas and they came transformed with all the knowledge they had received. My dad was sure, that with his recent learned theories, he would look young forever! I wasn’t as convinced as he was until I tried it.

Like father, like daughter (in this case), when my dad told me the story, I asked my mom; to make sure he wasn’t exaggerating.  I too, sometimes, get too excited with things. She said both of them were surprised to speak to the doctor that was leading their retreat, they said she looked too young to have earned her PHD, she was in her late 30’s.  They wanted to know what she was taking. Not what she thought was for them, but what she was eating daily. And so she said: antioxidants and greens. Everyday.

And so, I too started taking antioxidants and greens. Who doesn’t want to look 20 when you’re 38?

On another note, today I woke up feeling sick. I don’t think its a cold… I don’t know what it is… because my whole body ached. So again, following the eldest advice and took:

And then treated myself nicely:

Goat Cheese, Grapefruit, Arugula salad.

A Not-So-Rounded-Flat Arepa (because when I’m sick I’m homeless)

And a cappuccino with 3 tiny Pirulines.

And after this healthy meal (I also took my 2 antioxidants and 2 greens)…. all I needed was:

A warm bubble bath!

Hope y’All have a Happy Week!

Food, Wine and Friends

Mmmm… What should I have…

There are many times,  I just don’t know what I feel like. Last night I had that problem, so I called a couple friends, opened the fridge and made a little something with the ingredients I had… this is what came out!

Lettuce Wraps: Shrimps and Apples with peanut and pepper dipping sauce

Chicken Fried Rice with Pineapple

Our lovely table!

Food, Make Believe

TDOFM (Pizzas!)

Today, I was just feeling down, tired, ugly, and time just seemed to pass extremely slowly… this might seem like the TDOFM (that-day-of-the-month) symdrome but it’s not! I remember when I was living in Vancouver, my roommate and I would have that discussion: there’s one day of the month were we feel low and not-so-pretty… and its not close to that-time-of-the-month.

On my subway ride, I was in front of the door and I saw my reflection: it really made my self-esteem a little worse! I looked like I had aged a ton since I moved to NYC…. but walking home I decided: I LOVE NYC and I’m not ready to move yet, no matter if I look 50 when I’m 26.

I decided that Pete and I would have a blast.  And we are…here are some of the pictures

I told you… we’re having fun.

Mini Caprese Salad

Chorizo and Kale Chips

Mini Pizzas
